Symbolic Emotional Capacities in Autism Spectrum Disorder
This is the third and last blog (for now) I am writing with regards to behavioral vs. relational...
Developing Social Skills and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Part 2 of fundamental differences between behavioral and developmental approaches in Autism...
3 Facts on Symbolic and Reflective Thinking
There is something about the end of the year that is slightly nostalgic as I reflect on different...
5 Fundamental Differences between Behavioral Interventions vs. the Developmental Perspective in the Intervention of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Behavioral intervention has become standard care in the world of Autism Spectrum Disorder. As...
3 reasons why Sound Sensitivity makes a Child feel Unsafe
We visited the Moremi wildlife park in Botswana last week. You can only enter with a 4x4 vehicle,...
Three Reasons your Child may exhibit Rigid Behavior
“Moira is so rigid! She wants everything her way and no other highway! Her siblings are fed up...