PROMPT (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets)

Achieving speech milestones in a student’s therapy program is always fundamental and dear to each parent’s heart. Incorporating this technique in the student’s program has many different implications to progress. This training requires specific post graduate training/certification and is only available to speech language pathologists.

Ready to learn more and take the next step? Schedule a FREE phone consultation today!

PROMPT is a technique that incorporates:

  • neuromotor principles
  • kinesthetic and proprioceptive information
  • as well as auditory and visual information

PROMPT provides feedback to the speech system, which assists the individual to produce clear, functional speech. The PROMPT clinician provides input to all areas of the oral motor system by using touch, pressure, specific placements, as well as creating auditory and visual awareness. This helps an individual achieve controlled, functional speech.

Use with:

  • Phonological impairments
  • Developmental delay
  • Dysarthria
  • Hearing-impaired
  • Autistic spectrum
  • Fluency disorders
  • Dyspraxia

Both children and adults have been treated using this method. PROMPT is designed to be a total therapeutic program that incorporates several different elements, (e.g., appropriate language goals, motor speech goals, positive reinforcement).

Ready to learn more and take the next step? Schedule a FREE phone consultation today!

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